Home » PhD Courses » PhD Course in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics » PhD Students » Francesco Fabiano
Supervisor: Agostino Dovier
+39 0432 558440
Stanza / Room: DMIF NN1
The proliferation of agent-based and IoT technologies has enabled the development of novel applications involving hundreds of agents. Considering that autonomous devices that can control several aspects of our daily life are going to be available en mass in just a few years it will not be long until massive systems of autonomous agents, each acting upon its own knowledge and beliefs to achieve its own (or group) goals, become available and widely deployed.
The projects initially aims to study and define techniques for creating plans in multi-agent domains where aspects like dishonesty, deception, and incomplete knowledge are taken into account and the goal is related to both the agents’ knowledge and beliefs.
Moreover, as second step of the project, we will exploit the newly developed system to explore the concept of etichal-AI. The ability of reasoning in an epistemic environment will allow to define, through logical formalism, the idea of ethic and consequently to introduce a planning system that will search for solutions taking into consideration morality when needed.
The creation of such a system requires the definition of extra features for a multi-agent language (i.e. mA*) and the development of a declarative-based planner that also exploits high parallelization and logic programming.
Università degli Studi di Udine
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche (DMIF)
via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy
Tel: +39 0432 558400
Fax: +39 0432 558499
PEC: amce@postacert.uniud.it
p.iva 01071600306 | c.f. 80014550307
30 km from Slovenia border
80 km from Austria border
120 km from Croatia border
160 km South West of Klagenfurt (Austria)
160 km West of Lubiana (Slovenia)
120 km North East of Venezia (Italy)