The student will have to know the foundations of Mathematical Analysis 2, in particular the basic concepts of metric and normed spaces, function series and Fourier series, differential calculus for real functions of several variables, ordinary differential equations, Lebesgue measure and Lebesgue integration theory, parametric curves and surfaces, differential forms. He/she will manage to apply the fundamental theorems of Mathematical Analysis 2 in abstract and applied frameworks as well as to choose the suitable analytical methods in order to solve the assignments or problems found in the bibliography.
The student will be able to present, in writing as well as orally, the topics learnt during the course and to write autonomously a correct mathematical proof. He/she will learn to study independently and achieve the ability to deepen the lesson theory also by consulting the texts available in the bibliography.
E.Giusti, Analisi Matematica 2 or N.Fusco, P.Marcellini, G.Sbordone, Analisi Matematica due.
Università degli Studi di Udine
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche (DMIF)
via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy
Tel: +39 0432 558400
Fax: +39 0432 558499
PEC: amce@postacert.uniud.it
p.iva 01071600306 | c.f. 80014550307
30 km from Slovenia border
80 km from Austria border
120 km from Croatia border
160 km South West of Klagenfurt (Austria)
160 km West of Lubiana (Slovenia)
120 km North East of Venezia (Italy)